Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weird Food Combination

Yesterday on the way back, Jules from Rush Hour- FLY FM comes out with a topic = WEIRD FOOD COMBINATION. (kredit to Jules)
Huh… some callers gave really weird, weirdest food combination.
Ada combination yg betul2 weird (for me la…kalau korang aku xtau la) dan ada plak yg biasa2 saja.
I'm sharing some of the list that I heard yesterday:-
WEIRD (pada aku)
1) Chicken porridge + Banana + Peanut Butter (camna la rasanya… kalau plain porridge maybe sedap)
2) Vadai + Ice Cream (ermm… xbleh nak imaging..mcm best)
3) Durian + Budu (hijau muka aku)
4) Chicken Porridge + Ice Cream
5) Cili Padi + Ice Cream
6) Coke + Chicken Porridge

NORMAL (pada aku – biasa tu bukan bermaksud aku biasa buat/mkn ye)

1) Cream cracker + Sambal Belacan (cicah air kopi panas2 boleh ler…. Ini sambal belacan, camna ek?)
2) Roti Canai + Cili Padi (huh, biasa ja ni)
3) Pickles Sandwich (ermm… maybe sedap la kot, coz this callers mkn 3 x seminggu)

~Jus Barney ~huhuhu..ngeri~
Hey, what about you? What's your weird food combination?


I get this from TL (kredit to TL)

Arwah abah pun kena stroke...SILENT STROKE!


Pasai kolestrol. Korang sure ingat aku tak ada idea lain kan?
Yesterday, my mom told me that one of her cousin (dua kupu2 mcm tu la) has been attack by stroke.

Huh, ngeri tol! Kata kakak kepada mangsa (eceh..mcm pembaca berita plak), paras kolestrolnya dah naik ke otak. Huh…lagi ngeri. Kolestrol boleh naik ke otak ke?
Sapa2 doktor disini.. sila beri comment anda.

Yang kesiannya, dia tak boleh berckp. Dia boleh faham apa kita ckp but bila dia reply/jawab kita balik, butir kata yg keluar dari mulut dia membuatkan kita biul/mengong sebentar.

Sebab apa yg dia jawab, semua merepek. Ntah apa yg dia ckp pun diaorg xpaham. Nak kata bahasa hindi pun idak, nak kata bahasa urdu pun idak, bahasa kantonis…isk jauh benar, bahasa antarabangsa…lagi la beribu batu jauhnya. Agaknya bahasa baru kot… xpun bahasa kuno! Hehehe…(korang musti kata aku jahat kan? Coz buat lwk pasa org sakit…aku comment begitu kerana ada sebabnya..tapi BIARLAH RAHSIA!)

Bahayanya kolestrol sampai mcm tu kan?

Ermm… sO what are you waiting for?

Let's change our lifestyle k. (mcm org dlm picture sebelah ni)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

~Nigella Bites~

Siapa suka tengok rancangan memasak dia? Sila ANGKAT TGN? Ermmmcm tak kena plak nak suruh angkat tgn.
Why don’t you leave a comment, its sound better right?

If you watched her show than you will know, how she loves and enjoys cooking. At first I thought she is a celebrity (xnampak mcm chef pun), well she is… 49 years old food writer, journalist and broadcaster.

Tengok cara dia masak SEMPOI ja. Ckp tapi tgn jalan mcm CHEF WAN…tapi CHEF WAN tu bingit sket la telinga mendengarnya, I’m sure mak2 kita suka. Opps.. bukan I tak suka, suka rancangan memasak CHEF WAN but I kurang gemar dengar leterannya.

AFC – Asian Food Channel = Sapa lagi yg korang minat/ suka?
SUGAR/ Rachel Ray (NTV7)/ Martha Stewart (NTV7) / CHOPPED/ Jamie Oliver (sorry, aku xgemar dia)

King Of Fruits

Dodoyan ciku,
Buah rambutan,
Rasanya jadi idaman,
Pabila musim pun tiba,
Dijual mekata-kata
Buah mah manggis
Puteh shishinya
Duku, bangsat dan papaya

(sudah xhengat liriknya..sapa pandai sila sambung)

Jangan tanya kenapa liriknya begitu, ini kerana hubbyku dan adiknya kerap menyanyikan lagu buah-buahan ini seperti lirik diatas.

Suatu masa dahulu (mcm crita dOngeng plak), aku memang xgemar durian. Siapa sangka? Masa mengandungkan IMAN dengan tetiba semua jenis buah aku sental termasuk durian. Pelik? Same experience goes to my sister. Dia pun makan durian masa dia pregnantkan anak ke-3. Apasal xmakan?

Critanya bermula begini...seingat aku la, aku start meluat dgn durian masa umur aku 5 tahun ke 7 tahun (jgn marah ye, aku ada masalah mengingat perkara2 lepas). Masa tu arwah abah belikan kitaorg durian. Sekali bukak, ada ULAT DURIAN yg bewarna PUTEH & MONTEL tengah mengeliat2 dlm itu durian. Maka loyalah tekak beta dan kekanda beta... huh, sejak peristiwa itu kami dua beradik memangkah durian from our favourite list and really hate it.

Di awal perkahwinan, husband I selalu mengusik, siap kejar2 I lagi kalau dia tengah mkn durian. Eeii.. pa,.. soO dengki tau (masa tu la!) coz I always warned him to brush his teeth before sit close to me.
So mOralnya, jgn BENCI nanti suka. Hak hak hak... agaknya nanti mengandungkan anak ke-2, aku akan kembali bencikan DURIAN tak? According to my mOm, bila cempedak dah byk itu bermakna musim durian akan berakhir.

Dear pa, don't forget to buy us DURIAN k?

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is high chOlestrOl?

Cholesterol is a type of fat called a lipid. The body uses it for many things, such as making new cells. Your liver makes the cholesterol that your body needs. You also get cholesterol from the foods you eat.
Your body needs some cholesterol. But if you have too much, it starts to build up in your arteries. (Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.) This is called hardening of the arteries, or
atherosclerosis. It is usually a slow process that gets worse as you get older.
To understand what happens, think about how a clog forms in the pipe under a kitchen sink. Like the buildup of grease in the pipe, the buildup of cholesterol narrows your arteries and makes it harder for blood to flow through them. It reduces the amount of blood that gets to your body tissues, including your heart. This can lead to serious problems, including
heart attack and stroke.
A simple blood test tells you how much cholesterol you have. The test results are given in mg/dL of cholesterol but most people just say the numbers. Your cholesterol numbers help your doctor know your risk of heart attack.

To know this risk, your doctor will also take into account other factors like your age, blood pressure, family history, and if you smoke.

What are the symptoms?

High cholesterol doesn't make you feel sick. But if cholesterol builds up in your arteries, it can block blood flow to your heart or brain and cause a heart attack or stroke.
By the time you find out you have it, it may already be clogging your arteries. So it is very important to start treatment even though you may feel fine.

What causes high cholesterol?

Many things can cause high cholesterol, including:
Diet. Eating too much saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol can raise your cholesterol. Saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol are in foods that come from animals (such as meats, whole milk, egg yolks, butter, and cheese), many packaged foods, and snack foods like cookies, crackers, and chips. (kena insap jugak)
Weight. Being overweight may raise triglycerides and lower “good” HDL. (ermm... kena insap ni)
Activity level. Not exercising may raise “bad” LDL and lower HDL. (memang la nak kena insap)
Overall health. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol. Smoking may lower HDL.
Age. Cholesterol starts to rise after age 20. In men, it usually levels off after age 50. In women, it stays fairly low until menopause. After that, cholesterol levels rise to about the same levels as in men.
Family. Some people inherit a rare disease called a lipid disorder. It can cause very high total cholesterol, very low HDL, and high triglycerides.
If you have this problem, you will need to start treatment at a young age (ngerinya aku rasa)

How is high cholesterol diagnosed?

Doctors use a blood test to check cholesterol.
A fasting cholesterol test (also called a lipoprotein analysis) is the most complete test. It measures total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. You cannot have food for 9 to 12 hours before this test.
A direct LDL test measures your LDL level only. You can have this test done at any time, even if you recently had a meal or snack.
A simple cholesterol test can measure total cholesterol and HDL. You can eat before this test. Sometimes doctors do this test first.
If it shows you have high cholesterol or low HDL, then you will get a fasting cholesterol test. (aku kena kuat semangat ni)

How is it treated?

The two main treatments are lifestyle changes and medicines.
The goal of treatment is to lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol and reduce your risk of a heart attack. You may also need to raise your "good" HDL cholesterol. A high level of HDL helps reduce your risk of heart problems.
Some lifestyle changes are important for everyone with high cholesterol. Your doctor will probably want you to:
1)Follow the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet. The goal is to reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat. Eating saturated fat raises your cholesterol. The TLC diet helps you learn to make better food choices by picking lean meats, low-fat or nonfat products, and good fats like olive and canola oils.
2)Lose weight, if you need to. Losing just 5 lb to 10 lb (2.3 kg to 4.5 kg) can lower your cholesterol and triglycerides. Losing weight can also help lower your blood pressure.
3)Be more active. Exercise can raise your “good” HDL and may help you control your weight.
4)Quit smoking, if you smoke. Quitting can help raise your HDL and improve your heart health.

Ermm... jangan ingat CHOLESTROL ni ikut size bdn saja,I think it is more on your diet. Pemakanan, keturunan, gaya hidup, tu dah cukup membuktikan aku ni ada high cholestrol and my cholestrol dikategorikan sebagai BAD CHOLESTROL. My mom small size but kalau gi check up ja, sure doc advise her to reduce her cholestrol level. Huh, tu dlm jaga makan and selalu gi jogging. Kalau aku tua, mcm mana la agaknya... silap aribulan xsempat tua dah KO. My mom will do everything to reduce her cholestrol level, name it? She usually drink blended celery, masak nasik letak garlic la, dah tentunya dlm mknan memang la dia bykkan garlic, reduce penggunaan minyak dlm masakan (YES, my family memang xpakai byk minyak), siap pakai minyak jagung lagi. Starting this month, I suggest my mom to use OLIVE OIL. Latest supplement yg doc syorkan my mom amik - OMEGA 3 (Fish Oil) and jog everday.

That is my mom. How about me? Huh, bernanah telinga gak kena leter sebab pemakanan. I know she worried about us especially me. I keep on growing since I gave birth to my lil' IMAN.

Dear readers, appreciate if you can share with me,your tips on how to reduce high cholestrol.

I'm thanking you in advance.

International Bloggers Community

For the first time, I've being tagged by S.A.Y.A.N.G.K.U.I.M.A.N.

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR
(PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.7.

Have Fun!Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: S.A.Y.A.N.G.K.U.I.M.A.N
2. His/her site's title and url:
3. Date when you were tagged: Today (27/7/2009)
4. Persons you tagged:

a) Cik Isabelle -
b) Cik Betty Yone -
c) Mrs Nurhakim -
d) Ms Ena -

Enjoy & be counted!


I noticed my lil’iman loves numbers. Now he can count 1 till 100. I teach him once and he able to recognize all the numbers with only 1 repeat session.

Every day, while I’m driving back with him, he would ask me to see at people's CAR PLAT NUMBER.To check whether he get it right or wrong.

Oh dear…. Kalau I ignore…dia akan merajuk. (muncung ja mulot dgn pipi kembong dia)

The funniest part is he would say “Saya nak merajuk” …aik nak merajuk pun boleh habaq!

Another part yang paling kelakar, dia xpandai sebut (fifty one) 51, 52, 53 (all the fifties … he will pronounce as fifteen one, fifteen two…alahai anak.

I’m thinking of sending him to ARITHMETIC class. (betul ke ejaan aku ni)

Ermm..the "MEMORIZED" part comes from my husband. My hubby and his sister boleh ingat semua dialog and iklan TV.... ermm.. ckp la apa saja... diaorg berdua ni sure ingat punya. I memula memang xcaya tapi selepas I dpt IMAN... I know it is true.

My dearest Iman, mama proud of you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jim Jam & Sunny

Huhuhu... I forgot to add "Jim Jam & Sunny" in my previous entry.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Do you little munchkin love into something? Can I call it as obsessed?

My little boy doesn’t seem attract to cartoon but his fav is more to learning cartoon character as per below list :-
(Idak la mcm makpaknya yg masih boleh nganga kalau tengok Doraemon & Sinchan)

His 1st love is BARNEY & FRIENDS

I love you,You love me,
We're a happy family,
with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you,
Won't you say you love,me TOO!

My niece (Adam cikebum)would sang "I lappie" which I misunderstood as "Ayah Pin" Huh... what a different. Hahaha...(when he grew up, he might think... pekak ke hapa makngah ni?


Bob the Builder
Can we fix?
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can!
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley too
Lofty and Wendy join the group

(huh, dah xhengat dah!)

4th - GO DIEGO GO!

This rough and tough adventurer is working all the time

(selebihnya , hengat gak!)

5th - BEN 10

Don't ask me the lyrics ok?
Hehehe... of course ler haku xtau!

I know why he loves it! Guess why?


Bcoz it is GREEN COLOUR which is his fav colour!


(same answer, don't ask me the lyrics!)


(Jgn tanya lirik lagu.... hehehe!)

( I will upload the picture later!)


Telefon, telefon berbunyi....
Telefon, kami datang,
Ada haiwan dalam bahaya, (repeat)
Wonderpets... wonderpets..kami dtg
Membantu haiwan yang dalam kesusahan
Kami tak besar dan kami tak kuat
Apa yang penting kerjasama...apa yang penting kerjasama...
Bila berkerjasama..semua jadi mudah
(I selalu lupa tang part "Ini serius" - soo cute!)

10th - last but not least is... DORA THE EXPLORER

Boleh muntah ijau weh dibuatnya...

Entah terkenan kat dora gamaknya..My hubby said, look at him...with his round eyes, chikky cheek
(kembong mcm dora)

He loves DORA since he was small...ermmm I think by age of 2, DORA steal his heart! Eceh... ayat xhengat!

Dia boleh mengadap DORA 24 hours non stop!

Dora!(Boots Shouts)
Boots! (Dora Shouts)C
ome On Dora (Boots Shouts)
D D D Dora (Alright!)
D D D Dora (Giggle)
D D D DoraD D D Dora (Let’s Go)
Dora Dora Dora The Explorer
DORA Boots Is Super Cool Explorer With Dora ( We Need Your Help)
Grab Your BackpackLets Go!Jump In!Vamonos!
You Can Lead The WayHey!
Hey!D D D Dora D D D Dora D D D DoraD D D Dora
Swiper No Swiping S
wiper No Swiping ( Oh Man!)
Dora The Explorer!

What about your little one?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dear Abah

Big Big World

I'm a big big girl in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much
miss you much...

I can see the first leaf falling it's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
like the way I'm feeling inside

I'm a big big girl in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much
miss you much...

Outside it's now raining and tears are falling from my eyes
why did it have to happen
why did it all have to end

I'm a big big girl in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I too too will miss you much
miss you much...

I have your arms around me warm like fire
but when I open my eyes you're gone...

I'm a big big girl in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do do feel that
I too too will miss you much
miss you much...

I'm a big big girl in a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
but I do feel I will miss you much
miss you much...

Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Sulaiman
- 2.55pm, 5th July 2009
(Picture of arwah me & abah)

Without them...

I will not exist in this wOrlD!

***Picture of lil'cute baby (it's me!) with mak & arwah abah!
According to mak, this picture was taken when I, 5 months old.

Thanks MAK & ABAH! I luv you! I do miss arwah abah!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I feel like...

Punching, kicking, killing someone (huh ganasnya)You will be thinking, I'm a terrible person….huh, kill, kill...die, die! arghh



I think my sOn with luv it! Ahaks! BcOz his favOurite colOur is green. (Huh…camna la roper aku kalau bertukaQ kaler ijau mcm ni)…ermmm…

Dealing with people, those who are naturally born with ATITUDE problem ( I called them as PROBLEM MAKER) makes me CRAZY….YES me! Crazy…tension…angry…what else can I said!

To deal with this KIND of creature… yucks…do they deserve as a creature… ya, I know, diaorg MAKHLUK TUHAN. Semua kejadian ALLAH S.W.T itu indah. But for me creature tu lebih kepada tiny and cute mute object. Hah… I think the best word is MONSTER…YES! monster.

You wanna why? Let me tell you why… being a C&B Specialist with NGO (ya...NGO, bak kata one of my colleagues, NGO KAYO!), 40% of my job is to analyzed data before I proceed it for the payment. All claims that related to staff benefits must go through me, I will need to check whether they qualified for it or not. I’m the verified person. (Eceh..korang sure ingat aku ni BIG BOSS..hahaha!)

I received a couple nasty emails from this keparat guy.
Don’t you dare thinking about payment, if the data that you provided is wrong. Tell me why should I pay you? Huh..itu pun xpaham ka? Deal dgn pelbagai bangsa ni seronok but sometimes makes me crazy. The payment delayed due to your own false & not me! Nama ja finance tapi bodoh nak mampos! It is weird, don’t they know that all this will be an AUDIT POINT? Dah tu nak nasihat haku plak? Mcm bagus….

(sorry if I’m being emotional)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009



My entry title today is about “kokokugagahberani”..hahaha…I did mention about this in my previous entry.

Koko/Coco is our pet and it is our lil' cute CAT.Meow…

(the picture was taken at BERTAM house)
Last few weeks, coco met with an accident, I was not sure whether his was hit by a motorcycle or beaten by someone.
(Capik dah kucingku..nak berdiri pun xboleh...manjang jatuh ja)

29th June 2009, it was Saturday, the day that I bring coco to clinic for a medical treatment… the same that my arwah abah called me for about 3 times.
(I will update on this later)

Doc gave him, 2 jabs n and 2 types of medicine (nerve & paint killer). It’s took him about 2 weeks to recover but I noticed sometimes we can see his limping.

BUT now…coco makin gebus! Mau x gebu…makan n tidur for 3 weeks.

Finally... I started it with


Where to start, what to write…

Life is all about choices…Do you think so? If you ask me, i will say Yes...

Life is full of choices
Make sure you pick the right one @>>----


Finally, I manage to have a new BLOG…(again! after for almost 3 years)

I did ask my hubby opinion to name my know what? He suggest me to use “kokokugagahberani” hahahaha…he said “bunyi biaq GRUDGE"

I have a BAD habit...writing makes me feel bored but not all the time ...ermm … BUT most of the time YES!! (ada peel buruk hangat2 taik itik)

I used to have a blog when we have a new person in our life (my one & only - IMAN HAFIS)but as I said..peel hangat2 taik itik buat my BLOG berkubur tanpa nisan. Ahaks!

Huh… when I was teenager, I wished to be a novelist. (ada hati tu..pasan nak mampos!)

Well…let’s welcome me again. Hey, Blog World...Hey, Bloggers…here I come!

(Tetiba teringat lirik “Detik2..silam” huh, its remind to my SIL)