Sunday, September 6, 2009


When people looked at my son, they first impression or word is:-
“montelnya dia?” – (janji sihat, xde penyakit)
“sure makan lalu” – (Huh, kata anak aku makan banyak ler ni)
“besaq ek dia” – (ikut arwah tok wan dia ler) – My late father is big size
“makan apa ni?”
– (makan makanan ler weii)
When I replied that he actually fussy type and he just ate plain rice (nasi putih) sometimes with chicken soup, all the plain type. He loves koay teow but must be plain. Hohoho… semuanya nak putih belaka (mcm la dia putih). People won't believe it! dia bukan jenis mengadap makanan 24 hours or eat like other kids. Sometimes kalau bwk gi kedai makan org sekeliling sure kutuk kami laki bini mana taknya - makanan penuh meja tapi anak makan nasi putih, makpak xyah ckp ler...makanan ini ana yg punya!
The most favorite food in the list is – Pizza, Capati & Tosai.
If he gets pizza for today and the next day he won’t ate anything. I think because of the fullness of pizza, hehehe.. (pizza dah kembang dlm perut)
Say NO to all colour except green coz green is his favorite colour.

Pantang sekali kalau goreng telur tergaring sket…kan ke ada hitam2…dah dia xmakan. Kalau dah yg tu dia xmakan apatah lagi KICAP. Anti kicap tol! Nama kata hitam ni dia xmakan ler…oh ya, kecuali CHOCOLATE.
My husband said,
“I wonder when he grow up, puteh camna ler menantu kita"
Isabelle said that when she looks at plain rice, it remind her to my Iman.
“The plain rice looks yummy to him (Iman)”
Capati & tosai sometimes will be his routine food.
My mom la..rajin melayan kerenah cucu bongsu dia.
If today he request for capati and the next day “nani, iman nak tosai”
Huh…. My mom kena la standby semua bahan siap2 dirumah.

Here I’m sharing some of his picture


  1. ayat iman yg latest masih terngiang2...
    "mak su tengok adam ni, dia buat keluaq balik (bantal guling dr bilik tok). noti betoi"

    part yg "noti betoi" tu yg sungguh comel.

  2. dia yg noti...dia kata org plak noti...

  3. just ignore others.

    anak kita, lantak kita la... ha.3x..

    seronok tengok dia makan.

  4. Hi Izman,
    Thanks coz sudi jengah ke blog i yg xbrapa nak indah ni. Hehehe...

    Ya, i suppose to ignore it but kadang2 xboleh. Pedih telinga.

  5. hi is@r,

    how old iman? nampak bersemangat time makan... :)

    nak order tee ker? boleh YM saya tuk diskus but only bulan 11 baru free nak buat sebab order tgh queue..

  6. Hi sweet,
    My iman dah 4 years old.
    Yup...i nak order tee.Okler.. bulan 11 pun bulan 11 la.

  7. amboiii...selera nyer makan
    byak duit raya ker tahun
    nk duit raya x..jmput dtg umah aunty
